Friday, January 30, 2004


I have been wet all day, and not in a good way. It started at 5:45 am. EL and I got out of hormone/blood sample stuff and found it to be POURING. EL has a motorcycle. Off we went on the bike in the rain. It felt like little tiny needles that make you cold.
At 7:30 am I woke up again and took a shower. My hair looked really nice.
At 8:15 am the Heavens opened up and crazy rain started falling. I was soaked by the time I got across the street. I then froze my ass off the whole class.
Any time I walked outside today, it was raining.
I walked to the lab. It was sunny when I started. At 3:40 pm it started raining. Again. It was ok because now it is cool outside.

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