Monday, January 24, 2005

Maybe Brittany Spears Will Kiss Me, Too

Since I have to travel all over creation to get to the school's crappy gym and wait and hour and a half for one of 6 elliptical trainers, (which, at any given time, only 4 are working) or the 3 bikes, or the 1 treadmill, or the 1 of any given weight machine, I bought a Power Yoga DVD at the used that kind of stuff store by campus. Man, that stuff is hard. Laugh all you want, but I was balls to the wall sore the next day. It made me want to not eat so much fried food, too. The guy on the tape is really funny. He has one eye that looks like a bugging, lazy eye and he talks like he smoked too much weed or buddha or chakra or zen or something.

As fun as it is, I can't do it properly in my apartment because it is so noisy outside. I was trying to fall into a relaxation state and this guy started up the noisiest motocycle creation ever created. It's obscene. He ususally stats it up whhen I'm sleeping on my only day of the week I get to sleep in. Now he's switched to my yoga hour. I won't be able to achieve anorexic zen like Madonna with all that racket outside and Brittany Spears wil never want to be in lip-lock with me. You see, Honolulu is thwarting my biggest dream, swapping spit with a teen queen on her way to more marraiges than J-Lo. COME ON MAN...GIVE ME A BREAK HERE!!!!

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