Thursday, December 09, 2004

Christmas Wishes

For X-mas, I think it would be fantastic to receive cake mascara. How you do it is wet your brush slightly and then brush it against the cake, slowly apply it to your lashes and let dry a bit between applications. Lola cosmetics has a really pretty one, as well as Longcils Boncza and Paula Dorf. The best part is the mascara doesn't grow mad bacteria like tube mascara does, it last a LONG time, and you wouldn't have to replace your mascara every other month. It think it would be an economical as well as SEXY investment if anyone is so inclined to get it for me for X-mas or pass along the info. I also wouldn't mind The Futurama DVD collection, or MST3K movies. I already have the set with Sidehackers and the shorts volume 2. Think it is the 3rd volume. I mean, the best part about the holiday is the dinner, being home, and being with family, but a little commercialism doesn't hurt. Anybody want anything from Hawaii?

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