Tuesday, June 01, 2004

The Incident

When I got back to Johnson City, I found out that one of my ex-boyfriend was set to be married on May 29th. To a lying stealing ho. Nice, unattractive girl who steals her fiancee's and his housemate's money and painkillers. And lies about it. Even though dear sister doesn't like him he doesn't deserve a biatch like that.

I sat and talked to a friend about all this way past the time I needed to leave if I was going to get dinner in time for a 7 o'clock graduation. When I got to the graduation I found out it actually started at 8. I ran out and got a chicken biscuit and a big sweet tea. As I was sitting in the parking lot, the chicken biscuit flew out on my hand and attacked my sweet tea which ended up bleeding to death on the floor board of the passenger's side of my car. Time was nearing for the start of the grduation so I scarfed the rest of the biscuit and threw some towels on top of the gutted sweet tea. After graduation, I took the Fat Ballerina home. We stopped at a trash can on campus to clean out the rest of the evidence. A campus cop stopped us and said, "Ladies, is there a problem?" We said no, and started babbling about a rouge chicken biscuit and an unsuspecting cup of sweet tea. The campu police followed us till we left ETSU campus.

Made the decision I am going to be a rebel and drive my expired tagged car out to do my errands today (except the DMV errand, that's just asking for it).

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