Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Just like on Office Space

I'd like to take a brief break from my studying and paper writing to write a poem to the stupid printer on the third floor of the AgScience building.

O, how productive I have been.
I have many papers I have written.
I many more yet still to write,
and the research is out of sight.
And yet you hinder me at every turn.
I'd like to see you explode and burn.
You eat my paper and cover me with ink.
I always feel a big urge to drink.
I try to de-jam you all day long,
but you won't un-jam out if one isn't strong.
I hate the way your stupid lights flash,
and how on my papers there is always an extraneous dash.
One day I will graduate, what do you think about that?
And when I do I will beat you with a ball bat.
I will throw you out a window you fucking ink filled bastard,
and go out afterwards and get absolutely plastered.

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