Monday, March 07, 2005

Pimp Juice

So here's the thing...Nicole's hanging out with a pimp. Hanging out a whole bunch with a pimp. A real pimp. She met him at a club and he tried to get her to hook for him. Now she hangs out with him ALL the time. She had to get permission from his hookers to hang out with him. He actually does her lots of favors too like buying manicures and pedicures for her and my future roomate's current roomate (big sordid love triangle), buying her hair appointments, and so on. She even said that her hair has to go more blond because HE wants it to be more blond. All I have to say is WHAT THE HELL?! I mean, yeah, it's great she finally found a sugar daddy (and beleive me, he has the $ugar), but WHAT THE HELL?! How is it that all this crazy shtuff always happens to me? Personally, I've never met him, and honestly I don't care to. I don't see anything good coming from this.

PS~If anyone want to visit Hawaii and wants discounted visit with a female companion, I have the hook up.

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