Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Life's Little Questions

My sister brings up a very good point. There are many things we encounter in life we just didn't get taught in Carol Ann's class. She left out a few that I'm sure many people wonder about. Things like~

~How to tell your parents you're gay.
~How to tell your partner you have an STD/are pregnant.
~How to figure out who the father is.
~When is it time to have your stomach pumped?
~What to say the morning after a selacious drunk dial.
~How to recognize the signs of your roommate selling her body for money.
~How far is too far? (Is stripping ok vs. hooking? Is go-go dancing ok vs. stripping?)
~How to make your roommate pay her rent after you move out (because she doesn't want to pay anymore).
~How to deal with the smell of paper factories?
~How to deal with psychotic neighbors.

You know, now that I think about it there is a lot young adults could encounter in their late teens and twenties that just aren't talked about or are acceptable to talk about in today's society.

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