Monday, July 28, 2008

Starting the Process

So UC Davis requires you to get a sort of bid from a professor to be considered for their program. I am most interested in Dr. Sean Adams. I just don't know what I should say to open dialog. Suggestions?

BTW: register to vote. Republicans win b/c they vote. Democrats usually think some one else will vote for them. You can't complain about who is in office unless you vote!


Kris said...

For one thing, he's cute.

Take a look at his publications and pick out a couple of themes and ask a question, or say you are looking for a graduate program. You are interested in yadda, yadda, yadda and you were attracted to the UC-Davis program because of his work. What do you need to do to proceed to the next level. May I send you my vitae?

Kris said...

Woo! Voted today!