Friday, May 05, 2006

It's Harder to Get Alcohol Now That I'm 21

Since I've turned the ripe old age of 21, I have found it to be increasingly difficult to go into clubs or buy alcohol. I got used to the people saying "pull your hair back and smile" or some variation of that. I have gotten worse though. I gat twenty questions from one bouncer at a college bar on why I don't have a Hawaii DL. He mad me step to the side and wasn't going to let me in. Today at the grocery store I was buying my tequilla when the lady says to me "It doesn't match the liquor book, but my manager said it was ok." I mean, WTF? Is this normal? Has anyone else experiened being refused service because somebody with a power trip thought your DL was fake? I'm checking mine against our liquor book at work tomorrow to see what is up. It's starting to piss me off.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I bet they have an older license or something in their books, or maybe a newer one? or does TN have licenses that are different when you turn 21? I know that in NC you can order a new license through the mail... maybe you could do that?

But I've never really had that problem. It must be something about Hawaii. I mean, i've had some people look at me, then the license, and back and forth a few times, but that's about it.

the weirdest thing is that it seems to take people longer to find my birthday on my NY license in NY, than it takes them to find zach's on his NC license.


GeorgiaPeach said...

I mentioned that to the lady. I told her it was new (it is the over TN one b/c I thought I lost my under) and she said ""our book is dated 2006"). I think she was probably just stupid.