Thursday, May 26, 2005

My Roommate's Boyfriend Is an Ass

He's an ass because...
-He just lays on th couch all day and dominates MY tv remote
-He gets mad at K for playing with her guy friends (mine too, he calls them losers), but it's ok to play with his girl friends.
-Called out place a pig sty because it's cluttered, yet he doesn't take out the trash he generates.
-Left me in another town, at night, without a ride because me haircut took too long when K ASKED him if he wanted to come (she was perfectly capable of driving me)
-This morning I made coffee and he critisized me beause I was putting some of the extra back in the bag (I put too much in)
-Argued with me that Korn was on one cd we were listening to (they had nothign to do with the cd) and then got mad at me when I showed him the cd cover and proved to him they weren't (he likes Good Charlotte and argues with me about a metal cd, idiot). He actually stormed out of the room and stopped talking to me.
-Won't move K's bed down to our apt because he wants her to get a U-Haul which she doesn't have money for when they are perfectly capable of doing it themselves if he helps. She and I moved all of her stuff down already.
-Admits he has a drinking problem, but won't do anything about it.
-He stomped on the air matress I was sleeping on once and laughed.
-Thinks I am unhappy single and tries to hook me up with all his friends which makes me feel uncomfortable.
-Thinks he is SO superior, but is so stupid he didn't know what stem cells were (or the word differentiated when K and I tried to explain stem cells)

He's just a self-centered prick who I just can't stand to be around. I like a whole host of her ex's (actually we both are still friends with all but maybe one of them) but I don't like him. If he doesn't agree with something he calls you an idiot or stupid, and when you talk back and stand up to him, he gets angry. ASSHOLEY-OLI-O!!

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