Yesterday, after sitting around thinking about picking up my package that had been at the post office for a week but procrastinating because it is hotter than balls at 3 in the afternoon, I got off my lazy duff to go find the post office. I found it, and it is the one place of any importance (besides the coffee shop and Subway) that Nicole and I live near. I picked up my package and tromped up to my apartment on the top of the world and, out of breath, opened my door. First I cursed my mail box because my mail is always soaked. Second, I turned on my fan, got the scissors, and went to town on the box. Inside were the most fantastic presents ever. I got dish towels and pot holders, earrings and DVDs, chopsticks and knives, instant breakfast, Rice-a-Roni, and tapioca, and a little grey pound puppy. Mom was right, it was enough to keep me completely engrossed for ten minutes.
*Side Note* Last night I saw mutant cockroach run into my house. It was my size and picked up a chair to throw at me. I deflected to chair and went in on the defense. Nicole screamed for me to kill it over and over while I put it in a head lock and punched it till its exoskeleton cracked. It tried stomping on my feet to get my to let go, but I held fast. Eventually it had lost too much green stuff to keep on living, so I hit it on the head with a hammer for good measure. I wrapped the carcass up in a plastic sheet and dumped the weighted body into the Ala Wai. I give it four day until the body surfaces, but by then all the evidence will have washed away.
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
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