Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Writing On The Wall

Saturday I got out of the shower and noticed a bird sitting in the hallway. I put on shoes and started trying to chase the little bugger down three flights of stairs to get him outside. I got him down to the second floor and he flew from wall to wall just sitting there. Since I had just gotten out of the shower, I had a towel on my head. I was also taking a pizza box out to the dumpster (have to watch out for cockroaches and all). I thought I could lure him out with crust, but in the end I looked like a crazy person with a green towel on their head, waving crust at a bird, yelling and fussing at it. The stupid bird even hopped up and down the halls chirping to piss me off even more. Then the dumb bird flew up to the fourth floor. He's still up there as far as I know and he chirps when I walk up the stairs. This story is not about the bird. It's about the graffiti I saw on the second floor on either side of the second floor RA's (Resident Advisor) door. It was written in black Sharpie marker.

On one side was:

And on the other side:
"Silly faggot, dicks are for chicks!"

Some one had tried to cover them up with our Crime Alert posters (posters that tell us when there have been sexual assaults or violent crimes on campus). Later that day the offending graffiti had been drawn over to make a kind of stained glass mural artwork effect.

Sunday, Ghetto Hall residents got this e-mail:

To residents of Ghetto Hall B,
Recently, two large patches of graffiti were discovered in GHB 2nd Floor. I need anyone with information regarding this vandalism to contact me, as soon as possible. The estimated cost of repairing the wall may be in excess of $1000-2000. If the person responsible is discovered, we can avoid charging residents to pay for the repair work. If we do not learn the identity of the person(s) responsible, these charges will be assessed as a group charge.
We are also taking steps to identify the culprit(s) by having the handwriting analyzed and compared to resident handwriting in our files. We will update the hall when we receive these results.

My phone is 462-6277. You can also reply to this email message.

Please refer to the Student Housing Handbook for more information regarding vandalism and group assessments.

Thank you,
Peter McNally*

Hall Director
Ghetto Hall
xxxx Pineapple St.
Honolulu, HI 96822
*Names have been changed for my protection. I don't give a shit about them.

I think they both need to pull the sticks out of their asses. See the second floor RA is a big asshole who nobody likes. Not even the other RAs. He wrote a letter about how they were all incompetent. He was an HD (hall director) at another dorm, but got demoted and kicked out to an RA in our dorm. HE probably complained to our HD who was complacent just to shut him up. I wish they would just quit with this Gestapo crap because nobody is going to confess. You can clean off the wall or paint over it. White paint does not cost $1000. They could even have that floor's residents clean it off/paint over it. I think they are all dumbasses.

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