Tuesday, February 24, 2004

All Good Things

Must come to an end. RS and I are no longer a couple, but the break up went very well.

Me: I'd like to know if you intend to make an effort because I don't have to be your girlfriend. I'd like to know so we can break up, cry about each other, and get on with being friends. I don't want to prolong something that is drawing to a close because hat would make for a harder messier break-up.

RS: Isn't that what we've been doing?

Me: So what do you think we should do?

(Phones cut out here. Ring Ring, hello?)

Me: Ok RS, do you think we should see other people?

RS: Yes.

Me: Me too.

This turned into a conversation about teacher's strike and drunken phone calls.

Me: Are you still going to call me drunk and tell me you love me?

RS: Probably.

Me: Ok. As long as you call and aren't just saying, "Hey, thanks for playing, see you never."

RS: definitely not.

Goodbyes we light hearted and we went our separate ways. Do I think he will call me tomorrow? No, probably not. Do I think he will call me next week? Definitely.

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