Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Burn, Baby, Burn!

I have calculus at 8:30 on MWF. As it is one of my most important classes, I try to stay awake. I do this by getting at least 7 hours sleep, taking vitamins, and drinking copious amounts of coffee. Last night I went to bed at 23:30. I figured by the time it took me to go to sleep, I would get 7.5 hours of sleep. I had been looking forward to bedtime all day because I was very tired. I fell asleep right away (around 23:45). My blissful slumber was rudely interrupted at 0:00 by a stinky fire alarm. I wearily got out of bed, put on slippers, looked for my glasses, gave up looking for my glasses, and wandered blindly into the night. I was perturbed, but optimistic as I figured the alarm would last 15 min at tops whilst they made sure the building was not, in fact, burning to the ground. Then the madness. The alarm would go off for 10-15 seconds and then turn back on. This made the mob increasingly irritated. Campus security sent over their slowest, fattest officer to help us to no avail. The alarm was not going off. The turned down the volume, but still would not let us back in for an hour. They finally let the sleep deprived residents back to their rooms at 1:00. Unfortunately, the alarm was still being a nuisance. The awkward and piercing blast of aggravating noise lasted to 1:30. I got to sleep with less than 6 hours before I had to wake up, and I am not a happy person. I feel that keeping us outside for that long warranted a real fire, and this nonsense of 1:00 re-entry for no reason is a viable excuse for a grumpy mood on my part today.

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