Monday, October 25, 2004

I don't know if I told you all about the time that one of my neighbors was washing their clothes at 3 i nthe morning and another one told the landlord it was me. Well, I got home at 6:30 am after doing sheepy things and saw my next door neightbors carrying two (2) laundry baskets full of folded clothes. Sneaky fuckers. Also, I've figured out these neighbors are the ones that fart so loud I can hear them in my apartment.

Why do drunk people at the bus stop think that I want to talk to them, even when I am reading or listening to my headphones?
I don't know if I told you all about the time that one of my neighbors was washing their clothes at 3 i nthe morning and another one told the landlord it was me. Well, I got home at 6:30 am after doing sheepy things and saw my next door neightbors carrying two (2) laundry baskets full of folded clothes. Sneaky fuckers. Also, I've figured out these neighbors are the ones that fart so loud I can hear them in my apartment.

Why do drunk people at the bus stop think that I want to talk to them, even when I am reading or listening to my headphones?

Monday, October 18, 2004

Momentous Occasions and Miscommunications

First, the happy news.
1. My roommate finally bought her own groceries so she can stop eating my food now. If only I could kindly tell her she needs to also not use my face wash, deoderant, and make-up anymore.
2. I met a boy, and he bought me flowers, and he's single, and he's cute, and he's leaving in a month, and he likes me. Perfect month long boyfriend.

Now I would like to explain to you all how to read my body language when I have been up for 24 hours. I feel this is necessary since everbody just assumed I was drunk from a glass of wine and acting irrationally.
When I have been up for 24 hours:
1...And you tell me we will leave at 22:00, I expect to be back no later than 22:30. Not 0:00.
2...And we are not leaving at said time because somebody ditched her friends for the dong, I am going to be upset.
3...And you keep talking to random friends and wanting to hang out at 23:15, I will be even more upset.
4...And your friends tell me I'm lying when I say I am tired because my only goal from that statement is to try and get somebody in bed, I am going to be pissed.
5...And you invite one of your friends over to our shared bedroom for the sole purpose of having sex with him when I have to be up in 7 hours (that god he said no) without even asking me if that is ok, I am going to be a little more than pissed.
6...And I say I want to go home, I mean I want to go home.
7...And you ask me if you pissed me off, expect an honest answer. Don't get pissed off about it either.
8...And I ask you to put back the make-up you borrowed without asking, I mean put it back now.
9...And you try to make me feel bad about not letting you get the dong because I want to go home to bed, I will show no ounce of sorrow for you. If I can go for almost a year without the dong, you can go 2 weeks.
10...And I say I don't ever want to go back, don't try to tell me one or two people were nice. I don't care. I've been up for 24 hours.

Three Photos Hawaiian Style

Nearly shamelessly stolen from Palila, I give you: the three photos meme:

Readers, think of three photos you'd like to see posted to my blog.

Ask for anything, but keep the porn requests to a minimum. It's really hard work to get naked people to look good when working with a few floor lamps and a cluttered apartment.

Also, I am not allowed to take pictures of the sheep on the off chance PETA or some equally evil animal rights group were to get a hole of them. It might take me a while to get them seeing as how I have never uploaded pictures from the digital to online. Sister dear might have to send me full on instructions.

Don't Eat the Hamburger Helper

Last Sunday, after what I am assuming was a delicious meal, Nicole started puking her guts out at three in the morning. Three in the morning till when I left. IT turns out the ground turkey in her Hamburger Helper had gone bad. The Hamburger Helper had left her in the hospital for a good portion of Monday. As much as I was willing to help her recouperate, I don't see how a brush with food poisoning gives someone the go ahead to take the pillow off my bed. I'm glad she's ok though. Don't eat ground poultry.

Monday, October 11, 2004

Ethnic Cleansing

Has anybody heard about the ethnic cleansing going on in Sudan? I saw a little blurb about it, but I can't find anymore information.

Goodbye Superman

Although at one point he could leap over tall buildings with a single bound, Christopher Reeve died at 52 from an infection he developed during treatment for a pressure wound. He slipped into a coma and passed on to that great Kryptonite ball in the sky.

Holy Crap. Lions!

Yay, homecoming!

Friday, October 08, 2004

California Barf

The only good thing about California throwing up on the UH campus is the incredible influx of gorgeous TAs who teach my labs. Maybe if one of them taught chemistry, I could pay better attention (same senario with my gorgeous physics prof. last semester). The worst part is the freshman who complain about not being able to use calculators on a test because there is simple division and multiplication (9x70 is the hardest I came across). Honestly. Jeez.

Monday, October 04, 2004

Hours of Fun

If you have some time to kill you should go to Guess That Dictator/Sitcom Character. How it works is you pretend you are a sitcom character or dictator (living or dead) and then answer the questions until it guesses who you are. If it is wrong you can submit a question that separates your character from the one it chose for you.

Friday, October 01, 2004


I hate to admit I did not watch the presidential debate last night. There was this issue about me being pissed off at everybody for not helping me move THEIR stuff out of storage, complaining THEY were *just exhausted*, having THEM get really drunk and be very loud at my place because THEY didn't go to work because THEY were too tired, and keeping me up until midnight when I have early classes today. I was so fricking pissed I could have used my *now legal* assault weapon.

I did, however, get the transcripts of the debate and I have to say, I am not the least bit surprised at the canidates answers.

Bush used his charm and charisma to outline his greatest military achievements throughout this term, such as the capture of Saddam Hussein. Strategy wise, that was very smart, but the mix up of Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden in one of his responses was a little curious. Most people probably didn't catch it while watching the debate, but as I said, I was reading it.

I thought the debate was good for Kerry because the media hasn't paid so much attention to his policies or him or the vice president for that matter. I liked his clear layouts of the faults he sees with the current leadership, the change he wishes to see, and that he won't pull out until the job is finished. He stated that our "war on terror" can only be achieved if we have international support, and that our international political bonds are in shards all over the world.

Favorite line:
BUSH (in response to Jim Lehrer on miscalculations of postwar Iraq): No, what I said was that, because we achieved such a rapid victory, more of the Saddam loyalists were around. I mean, we thought we'd whip more of them going in.

*Kerry's policies are good, but Bush's personal attacks are better. Going on this debate alone, I would say Bush appealed more to the general public, but Kerry appealed more to me.